A Message to all Trustees if Scouting in Wiltshire

Time is creeping on, and Scouting is beginning to return to some sort of normal!
The National monthly webinars last year have come to an end but are still available and can be found at scouts.org.uk/events. If you haven’t had time to join them, they are really worthwhile, and you can add them to your ongoing learning.

The Governance pages have also been updated so take a look to ensure that you are doing the best job possible.

As a youth movement it is important that we aim to include the voice of young members on our Executive, so take a look at the Youth Involvement pages of scouts.org to see how this can be implemented successfully.

The pandemic has been a challenging time and is still lurking, but it can’t be an excuse for allowing robust management to slip. AGMs have sometimes suffered but they are important although not necessarily time consuming. We need to put them firmly back in the calendar to do the job for which they are intended. Make sure that your AGM is on the agenda now so that you prepare appropriately and start to look at how you can reinvigorate your Executive and recruit new members.

There is mandatory training for all trustees, but the following sessions are being offered in addition, to support your role and give you a chance to update your knowledge and skills.
Trustee training is being updated to reflect any changes, but the present training support is still appropriate.

If you are interested in joining one of these sessions (held over Zoom) then please email in the first instance to olwen.brockway@wiltshirescouts.org.uk stating which date you wish to attend.

Wednesday, March 9th. 7pm – 9pm. Effective Executive Committees
Wednesday, March 23rd 7pm-9pm. Recruitment and Induction
Saturday, March 26th 2pm -4pm. Effectives Executives
Thursday, March 31st 7pm-9pm. Recruitment and Induction

I will offer other support trainings at a later date. They are:

Executive Committees – An Introduction- suitable for new trustees
Officers of the Executive Committee- suitable for new trustees
Executive Committees – Finance for All – intended for all trustees.

It would be great to have all Group and District Executives running efficiently and effectively, by the end of 2022.
Without you, Scouting could not exist for the young people.

Thank you.

Olwen Brockway
Trainer- Executive Committees.