Nominations are now needed for the role of District Commissioner for North East Wiltshire;

This District centres around the Marlborough area and is a rural area from Tidworth in the South to Aldbourne in the North.

The County Commissioner has asked us to start the search.

. We need YOU to tell us who you think will be an asset in this interesting and sometimes challenging role.
. The position is more of a managerial role, it could be someone not involved in Scouting at this time.
. The person does not need to live within the District, but will be expected to travel into the District for meetings etc.


Please do not tell the person that you are nominating him/her. The County Commissioner will contact them and tell them that they have been nominated prior to interviews, (unless we have a number of suggested names then we may need to short list)

. You may nominate yourself.
. The County Commissioner will make the final choice, neither I nor Roger will be involved in the decision.
. The role description may be viewed on the Scout website.

Feel free to email either Roger or myself if you wish to ask any questions

Please email your suggestions/nominations to me, .

The closing date for nominations is Friday 26th October 2018.

Gerald Russell,
County Appointments Secretary.